What is an audio book? |
It's a literary work interpreted by a professional actor and available in several formats such as cassette, CD, MP3 |
Is it the same to listen to an audio book and to read a printed one? |
The experience of listening to an audio book is an extension of the literary experience but not its replacement. Listening is a complement of the reading experience and is not in competition with it. Through audio books actors can put their talent at the disposal of reader and author to enrich the story and enliven the characters |
Audio books are just for children and the blind? |
No, the market finds its beginnings in the desire of making classic literature and children's literature accessible to the blind and preschoolers. However, in mature markets like the English and the German, the lion share of the industry is focused on current literature and bestsellers. | |
Do audio books promote illiteracy? Is it possible to improve knowledge of the language through them? |
First of all, Audio books introduce and familiarize listeners with literature. Furthermore, culture must not always be printed. Audio books help us improve our vocabulary and command of the language and bring us closer to current and classic authors. They are particularly useful for students of foreign languages | |
¿Where to find them? |
In English : In German: In French: In Italian: |
www.recordedbooks.com www.dg-literatur.de www.livraphone.fr www.ilnarratore.it |